
Technical Resources


Team member specialising in the installation of structures and towers at height.



Team member specialising in the suspension and movement of loads.

World Crew Events -Technical Resources
World Crew Events - Technical Resources

Sound Technician

Expert with vast experience in the installation and operation of sound equipment.


Video Technician

Expert with vast experience in the installation and operation of video equipment.

Light Technician

Expert with vast experience in installing and operating light equipment.


Spots Operator

“Follow spot” light operator expert at events.

World Crew Events - Technical Resources
World Crew Events - Technical Resources

Stage Technician

Expert with experience in creating and installing stages for theatre or movie shows.


Stagehand and machine operator

Experts responsible for monitoring the progress of a performance or filming, in charge of operating stages and their mechanisms.

Load moving machine driver

Driver certified to operate fork lift trucks and other load moving equipment.


Personnel lifting platform operator

Certified operator of several types of personnel lifting platforms.

World Crew Events - Technical Resources